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There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available but the majority have suffered alteration in some form.

((Gold rate of the day + rent + 7% profit + 9% tax) * Weight + price of accessories) – ((Gold rate of the day + 9% tax) * Weight).

To register on the site, just enter your mobile number and after receiving the confirmation code, your registration will be done. Also, to enter your details, enter your account section and complete the required items there.

Refund conditions are allowed up to 3 days after purchase and the product will be returned with the price stated in the invoice. (Price fluctuation has no effect on the refund conditions of the product for up to 3 days.).

In case of replacement of goods with other works that have different wages, the cost will be recalculated.

In order to create value-added services, EG Style has made it possible for all goods to include a 3-day return guarantee and a 10-day unconditional replacement guarantee after delivery.

It takes 2-3 weeks to get your first blog post ready. That includes the in-depth research & creation of your monthly content marketing strategy that we do before writing your first blog post, Ipsum available .

Tracking your orders is done through two mail tracking codes or the order tracking section in your account.